Episode 49

February 27, 2021


Command Central

Command Central
LIFE TALKS with Stephen and Pam
Command Central

Feb 27 2021 | 00:04:48


Show Notes

Jesus instructs us to go and make disciples. That sounds good in theory, but how do we really apply that mandate practically? Let's face it, if Jesus told us to do something, it's pretty important that we do it. This 301 series of encouragements will help you receive, grow, and give. You will receive God's love, grow in God's love and learn to give God's love.  Doing this together we will fulfill Jesus’ mission assignment and at the same time develop your core values so you can live life strong. You'll be amazed at what you're about to receive.  Time to 301 & have some Jesus fun!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:05 Welcome to Life Talks with Steven Marshall. Speaker 2 00:00:14 Command Central. You need the best place to go to authorize help in needful times. Yes, we all need direction that is accurate based on pinpoint intel. For blessed living, the cross of Jesus is Command central. That is your war room where victory is launched. Command Central is your place of supreme leadership and guidance for daily movement and purpose so that everything is coordinated to win. And when I say everything, I mean absolutely everything in your life. Quote, the blessing of the Lord makes truly rich and he adds no sorrow with it. Neither can toiling increase it. End quote. That's Proverbs 10 22. God sees your life as whole and entire. Not a worthwhile piece here and a disposable piece there. You were thoughtfully designed by him and framed in his image. God places a very high value on you, even in a broken, sinful state. He loves you. Speaker 2 00:01:13 Galatians three 13 says, Christ has redeemed you from the curse being made a curse for you, for curse. It is everyone who hangs on the tree end Bible law says that anyone who hangs on a tree or cross is cursed. Jesus, the perfect only begotten son of God, sinless and without fault, obeyed God and subjected himself to the curse, carrying all our sins in his body to the cross after triumphing over death hell and the grave and rising again. On the third day, Jesus has turned the cross into a war room of supreme victory, the championship of eternal glories. The cross is where we launch faith missiles full of the explosive power of Christ for our healing and breakthrough. The cross is where we trigger the conquering blood of Jesus, which is full payment for all our sin and iniquity, but also the new covenant ratified in his precious blood, empowering us to be sons and daughters of God with full rights and privileges. Speaker 2 00:02:14 If you need proof that the curse is defeated in your life, look no further than command Central, the victorious cross of Jesus Christ in him. We live, move, and have our triumphant being every day, every time. Are you making a big decision? Do you have a great concern? Care or worry? Is there a need for physical or emotional healing? Are you struggling with suicidal thoughts? Maybe it's a family member or friend. Here's the answer. Go to Command Central and submit everything to the wisdom and power of God's love. Cast all your care down at the foot of the cross. God is an expert at turning the curse into a blessing. The enemy strategy is to keep you hopeless, fearful and discouraged, but right now, terminate that violently with prayer, laying it all at the foot of the cross. Then replace the condemning voices with encouraging words from Command Central. Speaker 2 00:03:11 The Lord is the ultimate victory strategist, and he's already said, quote, the battle does not belong to you, but to God. End quote that second Chronicles 20 verse 15. Let's pray the word. Father God, you fight our battles for us and you always win. Forgive us for not sinking up our faith with your strategies for victory. Jesus has already redeemed us from the curse on the cross. We accept and appropriate all those benefits and blessings to the glory of God. Your blessings make us truly rich and you add no sorrow with it. That means there's no strings attached. You don't manipulate or hold the blessing over our head. You are the father of lights from whom every good and perfect gift comes down from. We trust in you. God, we trust in you. Thank you for saving us. Hey, you are so valuable to the Lord God and you are so important to us. Go to our website and let us know how we can pray for you. Speaker 3 00:04:12 You can never get too much of God's word, his love and encouragement. Steven and I want you to live life strong. We wanna help you. We wanna make sure you're covered and encouraged. Join us at the Living Room Church this weekend on our website, Stephen and pam.com. God cares about you and so do we. Speaker 2 00:04:31 Go ahead, share this life, talk and be a part of our family, bringing hope and faith to your world. God bless you.

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